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Dynamic Solid-Liquid Mixing Mechanical Model and Experiment of M50 Aviation Bearing Steel Ua-Elid Grinding Contact Surfaces  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Dynamic Solid-Liquid Mixing Mechanical Model and Experiment of M50 Aviation Bearing Steel Ua-Elid Grinding Contact Surfaces

作者:Wu, Jianxing Wu, Huaichao Yang, Lv Ji, Bin Zhao, Limei Lu, Fang

第一作者:Wu, Jianxing

机构:[1] School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang, 550025, China; [2] Guizhou Communications Polytechnic, Guiyang, 551400, China; [3] School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, 550008, China

第一机构:School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang, 550025, China





外文关键词:Bearings (machine parts) - Grinding wheels - Liquid films - Mixing - Oxide films

摘要:The mechanical contact properties of M50 aviation bearing steel UA-ELID grinding surfaces greatly influence the machined surface's quality. However, in wet grinding conditions, there are three contact forms on the grinding surface: the micro-cutting contact between the diamond abrasive particles of the grinding wheel and the workpiece surface, the sliding contact between the oxide film asperities on the grinding wheel surface and the asperities on the workpiece surface, and the hydrodynamic liquid film contact of the electrolytic grinding solution. The existing research on the mechanical behaviour of the grinding contact surfaces mainly focuses on the influence of one of the contact forms on the normal force. Therefore, calculation models of the dynamic solid-liquid mixing normal force of the UA-ELID grinding contact surfaces that with three contact forms are constructed in this paper to accurately understand the mechanical contact properties of the grinding surface. The relationship between the three contact forms under different process conditions, such as wheel speed, feed depth, and feed speed, and their influence on the normal force of the grinding contact surfaces are revealed. Finally, the accuracy and versatility of the calculation models in this paper are verified through comparative analysis with other normal force calculation model and experimental measurement. ? 2023, The Authors. All rights reserved.



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