城市化对自然河流微量元素的影响研究——以赤水河流域为例 被引量:4
Influence of Urbanization on Trace Elements in Natural Rivers——A Case Study of Chishui River Basin
英文题名:Influence of Urbanization on Trace Elements in Natural Rivers——A Case Study of Chishui River Basin
作者:吴炯 吴起鑫 安艳玲 高世林 柯鑫辉 周金雄 秦立
外文期刊名:Earth and Environment
外文关键词:Chishui River;trace elements;distribution characteristics;source analysis;anthropogenic inputs
摘要:赤水河是长江流域重要的鱼类繁殖区,也是我国白酒生产的重要基地,具有重要的生态意义。赤水河生态环境总体良好,有相对较低的环境背景值,微量元素可较为“敏感”地反映该区域自然和人为过程对水环境的影响。为了解赤水河流域人为活动对河流微量元素的潜在影响,于2017年枯、丰水期采集赤水河干流34个表层水样,分析了Li、Sr、As、Cd、Zn和Sb 6种微量元素。分别采用单因素方差分析(ANOVA)和主成分分析(PCA)探究其微量元素的时空特征和主要来源。结果表明:As在丰水期显著大于枯水期,Zn和Sb在枯水期显著大于丰水期,其它元素无显著差异。Li、Sr、Cd、Sb在赤水河上、中、下游存在显著差异,Cd在上游浓度最高,Li、Sr、Sb在中游浓度最高。Zn和Sb在中游的升高主要来自城市活动的人为输入。Li和Sr在中游的升高受天然地质背景和城市输入叠加的影响。As和Cd在上游相对较高的浓度主要受西南喀斯特地区高地质背景的控制,同时在中游伴有城市废水的贡献。城镇化进程中的人为输入是赤水河中游Zn、Sb、Li、Sr显著升高的主要原因。
The Chishui River is an important fish breeding area in the Yangtze River Basin and an important base for the production of liquor in China, which is of great ecological significance. The ecological environment of the Chishui River is generally good, with relatively low environmental background values and trace elements that are ‘sensitive’ to the impact of natural and anthropogenic processes on the water environment in the region. In order to illustrate the potential impact of human activities on river trace elements in the Chishui River Basin, a total of 34 surface water samples were collected from the mainstream of the Chishui River during the dry and wet seasons in 2017. Trace elements, including Li, Sr, As, Cd, Zn, and Sb, in the water samples were analysed. The spatio-temporal characteristics were indicated using the One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA). In addition, the correlation analysis and principal component analysis(PCA) were used to explore the major sources of the trace elements in the Chishui River. The results showed that the concentration of As was significantly higher in the wet season than in the dry season. The concentrations of Zn and Sb during the dry season were significantly higher than those during the wet season, and others had no significant difference. There were significant differences between Li, Sr, Cd, and Sb in the upstream, midstream and downstream regions. The highest value of Cd was in the upstream, and the highest values of Li, Sr, and Sb were in the midstream. The increase in Zn and Sb concentrations in the midstream was primarily due to anthropogenic input from urban activities. The concentrations of Li and Sr increased obviously in the midstream which was affected by the superposition influence of natural geological background and urban input. The relatively high concentrations of As and Cd in the upper reaches were mainly controlled by the high geological background of the karst area in southwestern China, with the contribution of urban wastewater in the midstream. Anthropogenic input in the process of urbanization was the main reason for the significant increase of Zn, Sb, Li, and Sr concentrations in the midstream region of the Chishui River.