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Study on occurrence of titanium element in anatase ores of Shazi, Qinglong, Guizhou province  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Study on occurrence of titanium element in anatase ores of Shazi, Qinglong, Guizhou province

作者:Zhang, Min Nie, Aiguo Xie, Fei Zhang, Zhuru


通信作者:Nie, Aiguo

机构:[1] College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, China; [2] Guizhou University, Guiyang, China






外文期刊名:International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology



外文关键词:Alkalinity - Basalt - Chemical analysis - Deposits - Flotation - Leaching - Mineral resources - Ore deposits - Ore treatment - Particle size - Particle size analysis - Silicates - Titanium - Titanium dioxide

摘要:The tectonic position of anatase deposit in Shazi area, Qinglong, Guizhou Province is located at the transitional area between Yangtze Platform and the western part of South China orogenic belt. Three industrial ore bodies in this deposit are yielded above the limestone Karst unconformity of the Middle Permian Maokou Formation and at the bottom of Emeishan basalt. Genetic type of deposit is hot water -eluvium talus sedimentary which is related to the eruption of Emeishan basalt. Based on the analysis of chemistry, X-ray phase, electron probe and microscopic identification, etc., the data suggest that TiO2 in anatase ores are mainly present in the form of microgranular inclusions in silicate and quartz; secondly, Ti occurs as isomorphism in limonite; few are as independent minerals existing in the anatase with particle size greater than 0.04mm. According to the occurrence of Ti, it is determined that the anatase ores are extremely refractory, using conventional processing methods (heavy, magnetic, flotation) are not effective in enrichment anatase, but "roasting- acid leaching-alkaline leaching" beneficiation process works and obtain anatase with 42.32% TiO2. Extraction method can also enrich the associated element Sc, obtaining 99.99% scandium oxide products, and the leaching rate of Sc is 90%, which can produce iron oxide red and poly aluminum silicate salt (PSA) coagulant by-product. Mineral resources can be effectively developed and utilized without emission, which can obtain good environmental benefits. ? 2016 SERSC.



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