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Stability of zero dynamics of nonlinear multirate discrete-time systems  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Stability of zero dynamics of nonlinear multirate discrete-time systems

作者:Zeng, Cheng Liang, Shan Mitsuaki, Ishitobi


通信作者:Zeng, Cheng

机构:[1] School of Science, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, 550003, China; [2] College of Automation, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China; [3] Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, 860-8555, Japan






外文期刊名:Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control



外文关键词:Convergence of numerical methods - Digital control systems - Discrete time control systems - Dynamics - Nonlinear control systems - Nonlinear systems - System stability

摘要:Zero dynamics plays an important role in the analysis and design of control plants. It is well-known that unstable zero dynamics limit the achievable control performance. When the zero-order hold or fractional-order hold is used, the sampled-data models keep stable zero dynamics when the relative degree is less than two. The multirate input and hold was presented, such as generalized sampled hold function, which can be used to shift the stable zero dynamics of sampled-data models for continuous-time systems at will. Furthermore, the asymptotic properties and stability of the zero dynamics for the nonlinear discrete-time systems composed of a generalized sampled hold function and a single-input single-output nonlinear continuous-time system was analyzed. The conditions that ensure the stability of the zero dynamics of discrete-time systems for sufficiently small sampling periods were derived and proved in detail. It is a further extension of corresponding results. ? 2018, Harbin University of Science and Technology Publication. All right reserved.



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