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Palaeoecosystem of the early cambrian Niutitang biota in Zunyi of China  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Palaeoecosystem of the early cambrian Niutitang biota in Zunyi of China

作者:Cui, Tao


通信作者:Cui, T.

机构:[1] Guizhou Institute of Technology, Resource and Environmental Engineering College, Guiyang 550003, China






外文期刊名:Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research



外文关键词:Hydrodynamics - Oxygen - Oxygenation

摘要:The living environment of the early cambrian Niutitang biota that is buried in situ is characterized by shallow continental shelf environment beneath the wave base with warm temperature, normal salinity, weak hydrodynamics, soft muddy substrates, and overall hypoxia but partial oxygenation conditions. From the bottom of the profiles towards the upper direction, both hydrodynamics and oxygen content would increase gradually, with the highest hydrodynamics found at the top of the profiles where oxygen content is close to the normal level. Niutitang biota could be classified as either benthic sessile types or swimming/floating types. As a result, corresponding ecological communities could be divided as the floating communities in the upper layer of the water body and the benthic sessile communities below, with the development of both communities controlled by oxygenation incidents. The food chain structure of Niutitang biota is relatively simple, with algae as primary producers, animals from higher trophic level as filter feeders, and Sphenothallus as the only predatory species. Although the palaeoecosystem of Niutitang biota is simple and unstable, it represents the prototype of the modern ecosystem. Hypoxia incident caused by the thriving of algal species is one of the most important reasons that lead to the mass mortality of creatures and the formation of fossils. ? Sila Science.



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