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Two-stage emplacement mechanism and symmetrical differentiation process of mafic-ultramafic sills in an arc setting: A case study of the Middle Tonian rock assemblage from the Fanjingshan area  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Two-stage emplacement mechanism and symmetrical differentiation process of mafic-ultramafic sills in an arc setting: A case study of the Middle Tonian rock assemblage from the Fanjingshan area

作者:Liu, Weipeng Zhang, Ying Zhang, Jiawei Fayek, Mostafa Li, Haibo Wang, Kun Dai, Yaran Li, Peng

第一作者:Liu, Weipeng

通信作者:Zhang, JW[1]

机构:[1]Guizhou Univ, Coll Resources & Environm Engn, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China;[2]Guizhou Inst Technol, Sch Resources & Environm Engn, Guiyang 550003, Peoples R China;[3]Guizhou Geol Survey, Bur Geol & Mineral Explorat & Dev Guizhou Prov, Guiyang 550081, Peoples R China;[4]Univ Manitoba, Dept Earth Sci, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada;[5]Fanjingshan Natl Nat Reserve Adm Guizhou Prov, Tongren 554300, Peoples R China

第一机构:Guizhou Univ, Coll Resources & Environm Engn, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China

通信机构:corresponding author), Guizhou Univ, Coll Resources & Environm Engn, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China.





基金:This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (41603039 and 41963006) , the Key Laboratory of Tectonic Controlled Mineralization and Oil Reservoir of the Ministry of Natural Resources (Chengdu University of Technology) (Grant No. gzck202201) , the research start -up fund of Guizhou Institute of Technology (XJGC20150104) , and the Guizhou Science and Technology Fund (QKHJZ (2014] 2084, QKHJC (2017] 1078) . We thank Yanwen Tang and Yifan Yin for her their help in zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and PGE determination, respectively. Thanks are given to Lei Shi and Lei Lu from the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve Administration of Guizhou Province for their help during the field trips. This article was written in memory of Yangeng Wang, a pioneer who made great contributions to the geological survey and research of the Fanjingshan area.


外文关键词:Jiangnan Orogen; Volcanic plumbing systems; Lateral transport of magma; Sill formation; Marginal reversals; M-shaped geochemical profile

摘要:The emplacement and differentiation mechanisms are significant parts of understanding the evolution of a magmatic system. There is debate regarding the emplacement mechanism of long-distance lateral transport of magma. Meanwhile, the differentiation mechanism mainly target rock assemblage in mantle plume-related or rift-related settings. As yet, few studies had been followed in the arc setting. In this contribution, the mafic-ultramafic sills formed by long-distance lateral transport of magma in the Fanjingshan area of South China have been selected to decode the magmatic emplacement and differentiation mechanisms in an arc system. Voluminous basaltic lava and mafic-ultramafic sills are emplaced, concordant to bedding, within the lower part of the Middle Tonian Fanjingshan Group and laterally extend for tens of kilometers. Some mafic-ultramafic sills display symmetrical lithology and geochemical distribution in vertical sections. We provide a detailed strati-graphic and geochemical analysis of the mafic-ultramafic sills of the Fanjingshan Group. The mafic sills within the underlying strata (the Taojinhe Formation) of the lower part of the Fanjingshan Group were intruded at 832 Ma, which is >8 Ma younger than the basaltic eruptions in the overlying strata (the Huixiangping Formation). Moreover, these mafic sills within the Taojinhe Formation have a positive epsilon Nd(t) value (+0.9-+1.6), the lowest Platinum Group Elements (PGE) content, and the highest Rare Earth Elements (REE) content. Compared with other mafic sills and basalts within different formations (the Huixiangping, Xiaojiahe, and Yujiagou formations), mafic sills within the Taojinhe Formation display a separate field on the principal component analysis diagram, suggesting two stages of mafic magma emplacement within a short interval for the Fanjingshan Middle Tonian volcanic plumbing system. The magma channels of the first-stage magma are subsequently used by the second-stage magma as suggested by epsilon Nd(t) values and Nb-Ti anomalies. Although arc magmas differ greatly from mantle plume magmas in volume, temperature, and composition, the calculated dimensionless temperature and dimensionless flux of magma imply that the solidification can contribute to the formation of mafic-ultramafic sills in the Fanjingshan arc systems. At the same time, the difference in rigidity of the upper and lower strata is not the main controlling factor responsible for the formation of the mafic-ultramafic sills as suggested by the statistical analysis of the mafic-ultramafic sills occurrence between different wall-rock lithology associations. Through the comparative study of the sills formed by the long-distance lateral transport of magma, it is proposed that the clastic wall-rock provides the first-order control for the sills formed by the long-distance lateral transport of magma. According to the detailed geochemical study of an M-shaped geochemical profile of mafic-ultramafic sill within the Huixiangping Formation, two steps of in situ crystallization model have been suggested. In the first step, minerals crystallizing from the inflowing magma on the floor and roof of mafic-ultramafic sills will become more primitive inwards. In the second step, the magma evolves both downward and upward by uninterrupted in situ crystallization in a closed system which results in the whole-rock becoming more evolved in composition inward and create an M-shaped geochemical profile.



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