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A Study of the Relationship between Rock Music and the Counterculture Movement    

A Study of the Relationship between Rock Music and the Counterculture Movement


中文题名:A Study of the Relationship between Rock Music and the Counterculture Movement

英文题名:A Study of the Relationship between Rock Music and the Counterculture Movement










外文期刊名:Overseas English


中文关键词:Counter-cultural movement;Rock music;Dissemination;Sociopolitical issues

外文关键词:Counter-cultural movement;;Rock music;;Dissemination;;Sociopolitical issues

摘要:In the 1960 s, America has entered a new historical period with recession in economy and increasingly bad social problem. Besides, Civil Rights Movement and women rights movement have been led by black people and women for equal rights.With the development of these movements, the counter-cultural movement came into being, and the movement which represented a significant period in post-war youth cultural history was caused by the impending readjustment of social structure during the transition from industrial to post-industrial society in the 1960 s. American white middle class youth were disillusioned with the way their parent culture controlled the society and had no desire to become caught up in the machinery of social power themselves.The counter-cultural constituted a direct attack on the part of white middle class youth against the dominant ideological machinery set in place and maintained by its parent culture, and its influence has been maintained to the modern times. Except for the liberation of sex and drug, the most important symbol of the counter-culture is rock music. There is a close relationship between the counter-cultural movement and rock music. During the mid to late 1960 s rock music became a centrally significant medium for the dissemination of a range of social-political issues in counter-cultural movement. The period from the mid-1960 s to the early 1970 s represented the first time that popular music, a mass cultural form, had become a centrally significant medium for the dissemination of a range of sociopolitical issues, from US involvement in the Vietnam war to the Civil Rights Movements, to the rejection of western political and cultural ideology. As Eyerman and Jamison^([1])point out:‘Movement ideas, images,and feelings were disseminated in and through popular music and, at the same time, the movements of the times influenced developments, in both form and content, in popular music'.
In the 1960 s, America has entered a new historical period with recession in economy and increasingly bad social problem. Besides, Civil Rights Movement and women rights movement have been led by black people and women for equal rights.With the development of these movements, the counter-cultural movement came into being, and the movement which represented a significant period in post-war youth cultural history was caused by the impending readjustment of social structure during the transition from industrial to post-industrial society in the 1960 s. American white middle class youth were disillusioned with the way their parent culture controlled the society and had no desire to become caught up in the machinery of social power themselves.The counter-cultural constituted a direct attack on the part of white middle class youth against the dominant ideological machinery set in place and maintained by its parent culture, and its influence has been maintained to the modern times. Except for the liberation of sex and drug, the most important symbol of the counter-culture is rock music. There is a close relationship between the counter-cultural movement and rock music. During the mid to late 1960 s rock music became a centrally significant medium for the dissemination of a range of social-political issues in counter-cultural movement. The period from the mid-1960 s to the early 1970 s represented the first time that popular music, a mass cultural form, had become a centrally significant medium for the dissemination of a range of sociopolitical issues, from US involvement in the Vietnam war to the Civil Rights Movements, to the rejection of western political and cultural ideology. As Eyerman and Jamison^([1])point out:‘Movement ideas, images,and feelings were disseminated in and through popular music and, at the same time, the movements of the times influenced developments, in both form and content, in popular music'.



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