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The characteristics and developmental control factors of microscopic pore structure in shale gas reservoirs in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:The characteristics and developmental control factors of microscopic pore structure in shale gas reservoirs in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation

作者:Yang, Wei Qin, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tingshan


通信作者:Yang, Wei|[144404961ca5bbdec54d3]杨巍;

机构:[1] School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, 550003, China; [2] School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China



会议论文集:2020 6th International Conference on Energy Science and Chemical Engineering

会议日期:July 17, 2020 - July 19, 2020

会议地点:Dali, China


外文关键词:Frequency modulation - Gas adsorption - Gases - Microporosity - Pore structure - Shale gas


摘要:The Early Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation on the southern margin of the Sichuan Basin (Southern China) has experienced a long geological process. High degree of thermal evolution of the organic matter shows a great impact on the organic evolution, reservoir microscopic pore types and structure characteristics in this formation. In this study, we investigate the major types and structural features of microscopic pores in shale gas reservoirs of the Qiongzhusi FM. Different types of matrix pores are found, over-mature shale gas reservoirs in the Qiongzhusi FM. mainly have well-developed micropores, but their average specific surface area (SSA) and pore volume are smaller than those in the Longmaxi Formation. The degree of thermal evolution poses the greatest impact on microscopic pore structure, which is significantly positively correlated with SSA and pore volume; however, when exceeding this range, SSA and pore volume both drastically decrease with increasing degree of thermal evolution. Compared with those in the Longmaxi FM., microscopic pores of shale gas reservoirs in the Qiongzhusi FM. feature pore- SSA and large surface porosity. The better the development of micropores, the larger the SSA and Vp of shales, which are more conducive to shale gas adsorption and accumulation. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.



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