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Advances in skarn type gold deposits  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Advances in skarn type gold deposits

作者:Wu, Yang Kainan, Mao


机构:[1] Resources and environment engineering institute, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, GuiZhou, China






外文期刊名:International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering



外文关键词:Deposits - Economic geology - Geochemistry - Gold - Mineralogy - Ore analysis - Ore deposits - Ores - Tectonics - Trace elements - Zoning

摘要:The distribution of skarn type gold deposit, ore-controlling tectonic setting, ore deposit classification, mineralization alteration zoning and some research methods of ore deposit geochemical are reviewed. Most of skarn type gold deposits located in the Pacific rim, The main ore-controlling tectonic setting are high Angle convergent subduction plate on island arc orogenic belt and craton activation area associated with deep fracture zone. As a major magmatic hydrothermal deposit, Skarn type gold deposits, have the typical phenomenon of ore deposit scale mineralized alteration zoning and the band structure of a single mineral scale. The former has the important instruction significance to guide the prospecting exploration and the latter, which is to understand the evolution of ore-forming fluid and deposit genesis, has great significance. Now, the research for the geochemical characteristic of skarn type deposit gold deposit focuses on mineral phase equilibrium, fluid inclusions, stable isotope and trace element research. The purpose of this paper is to through the analysis of these developments, sets up a study framework of skarn type gold ore deposit. ? 2016 CAFET-INNOVA TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved.



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