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Underground coal mine positioning system based on RSSI positioning algorithm improved through the BP learning training  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Underground coal mine positioning system based on RSSI positioning algorithm improved through the BP learning training

作者:Chen, Yan-Xiu


通信作者:Chen, Yan-Xiu|[14440e732ec62485bfe06]陈燕秀;

机构:[1] School of Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, China


通信机构:School of Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, China|贵州理工学院电气与信息工程学院;贵州理工学院;




外文期刊名:Open Fuels and Energy Science Journal



外文关键词:Errors - Coal - Energy utilization - Learning algorithms - Statistics

摘要:The influence of the coal mine geographical environment on the electromagnetic transmission might result in the difficulty of wireless positioning under the mine. Concerning that the influence of the underground working face on the wireless signal attenuation is mainly reflected on the path attenuated electricity and based on the underground geographical differences, two corresponding electromagnetic loss model are established. Due to low energy consumption and no need for hardware devices, RISS algorithm is suitable to be used in the underground coal mine. However, the problem of large error and poor precision still exists. This paper first introduces the standard deviation threshold, TSA, decided by the practical environment; then compares it with the standard deviation, RSA, obtained by the calculation of every target node to finally obtain the modified value of RSS. Based on that, the BP algorithm is introduced for learning training, improvement of the positioning error rate and the system’s positioning precision. ? Yan-Xiu Chen; Licensee Bentham Open.



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