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A comparison between Carlin-type Au deposits in Guizhou of China and Nevada of USA and its implications for exploration



英文题名:A comparison between Carlin-type Au deposits in Guizhou of China and Nevada of USA and its implications for exploration

作者:谢卓君 夏勇 Jean Cline 谭亲平 李松涛 赵亦猛 韦东田 王泽鹏 闫俊









外文期刊名:Mineral Deposits


基金:国家重点研发计划(编号:2016YFC0600607);国家自然科学基金(编号:U1812402; 41703046; 41803046; 41802088);中科院西部之光青年学者项目;贵州省教育厅项目(编号:0201003016017);贵州省科技计划项目(编号:黔科合平台人才[2018]5765);贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局地质科研项目(编号:黔地矿科合[2016]12号)联合资助



外文关键词:Geology;Guizhou Carlin-type Au deposit;Nevada Carlin-type Au deposit;comparative study;Carlin-type Au deposit exploration

Carlin-type Au deposits, mainly located in Nevada of the USA and Southwest Guizhou Province of China,constitute one of the most important Au deposit types in the world. In this study, the authors summarized and compared the architecture and ore deposit geology of Carlin-type Au deposits in Nevada, USA and southwest Guizhou Province, China, and investigated their similarities and differences. Similarities include:① both regions experienced rifting, passive-margin sequence deposition, orogenic deformation, and late extension;② orebody is controlled by Fe-rich lithology and structure;③ alteration related to Au mineralization includes sulfidation, decarbonatization, silicification, and argillization;④ most of Au is invisible in arsenian pyrite;and ⑤ late-ore-stage minerals, including dominantly realgar, orpiment, stibnite, and calcite, precipitated in open space. Key differences between the deposits in Guizhou and Nevada include:① factors controlling the regional distribution of Au deposits in the two regions are different;② there are no magmatic rocks spatially or temporally related to most of the Guizhou deposits;③there exist ore-forming stage dolomite and weaker decarbonatization, silicification, and argillization in Guizhou deposits;④ ore pyrite morphology and chemistry are different;⑤ there exist minor ore-forming and late ore-forming stage arsenopyrite in some Guizhou deposits;⑥ there exist abundant late ore-forming stage quartz-(calcite) veins in Guizhou deposits;and ⑦ under the conditions of higher temperature and pressure,there exist more CO2 and less acidity of Guizhou ore fluids. The identified similarities and differences have potential applications to Carlin-type Au deposit exploration in the world, especially in the Guizhou area. Slope-facies strata, especially Fe-rich strata, are ideal host rocks for Carlin-type deposits, thus future exploration should focus on the Fe-rich, slope-facies strata. Recent exploration identified several Carlin-type Au deposits hosted in the unconformity(SBT) and basalt above the unconformity in western Guizhou. Basalt is enriched in Fe, and therefore it is a potential host rock for Guizhou Carlin-type Au deposits. In addition, the authors suggest that, in the Guizhou platform-facies area, identifying the unconformity between the Moukou and Longtan(or Emeishan basalt)Formations and the culminations above the unconformity is critical for Au exploration. Recognizing the synsedimentary faults along the Devonian carbonate platform is the key to understanding the Au deposit distribution in Guizhou area, especially in the Guizhou basin-facies area. Abundant jasperoid and/or quartz-(calcite) veins indicate large-scale water-rock reaction, and may indicate the nearby presence of Au mineralization. Late ore-forming stage stibnite, realgar, orpiment commonly precipitated in the open space near and around the orebody, thus may suggest the nearby presence of Au mineralization.



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