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Conversion of cellulose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in an H2O/tetrahydrofuran/cyclohexane biphasic system with Al-2(SO4)(3) as the catalyst  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:4


英文题名:Conversion of cellulose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in an H2O/tetrahydrofuran/cyclohexane biphasic system with Al-2(SO4)(3) as the catalyst

作者:Shi, Ning Zhu, Yuju Qin, Bangzhi Liu, Ying Zhang, Hongyan Huang, Hongsheng Liu, Yunhua


通信作者:Liu, YH[1]

机构:[1]Guizhou Inst Technol, Sch Chem Engn, Guiyang 550003, Peoples R China


通信机构:corresponding author), Guizhou Inst Technol, Sch Chem Engn, Guiyang 550003, Peoples R China.|贵州理工学院化学工程学院;贵州理工学院;







基金:This research received support from the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou Province (QiankeheJichu [2020]1Y239), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.52160010), the High Level Scientific Research Funding Project of Guizhou Institute of Technology (XJGC20190636 and XJGC20190623), and the Academic New Seedling Plan Project of Guizhou Institute of Technology (GZLGXM-16).


外文关键词:Cellulose; 5-hydroxymethylfurfural; Tetrahydrofuran; Biphasic system; Cyclohexane

摘要:A simple and efficient biphasic system comprising H2O, tetrahydrofuran (THF), cyclohexane (CHX) and Al-2(SO4)(3) was employed to convert cellulose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The volume ratio of the organic phase to the aqueous phase (V-org/V-aque), concentration of Al-2(SO4)(3) in the aqueous phase (C[Al-2(SO4)(3)](aque)) and concentration of Al-2(SO4)(3) in the organic phase (C[Al-2(SO4)(3)](org)) of the biphasic system played critical roles in the conversion of cellulose into HMF. In the biphasic systems with H2O/THF/Al-2(SO4)(3) of 4/18/0.4 and H2O/THF/CHX/Al-2(SO4)(3) of 3/16/3/0.4, > 80% of the added H2O was dissolved in the organic phase, whereas most of the added Al-2(SO4)(3) remained in aqueous phase under the reaction temperature, jointly leading to high V-org/V-aque, high C[Al-2(SO4)(3)](aque) and low C[Al-2(SO4)(3)](org) in the biphasic system. All of these results yield the excellent performance of these biphasic systems in the conversion of cellulose into HMF. The addition of CHX into the biphasic system can decrease the solubility of Al-2(SO4)(3) in the organic phase, thus improving the stability of HMF in the reaction system. The influences of catalyst usage, reaction temperature and time, and cellulose/ solvent ratio were all explored, and a high HMF yield of 71.2% was obtained in the H2O-THF-CHX biphasic system with an H2O/THF/CHX volume ratio of 3/16/3 under optimized conditions. [GRAPHICS] .



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