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基于标准化土壤湿度指数的贵州省农业干旱评价     被引量:3

Evaluation of Agricultural Drought in Guizhou Province Based on Standardized Soil Moisture Index



英文题名:Evaluation of Agricultural Drought in Guizhou Province Based on Standardized Soil Moisture Index

作者:刘振男 焦卫国 王笑宇 徐桂弘 吴安杰








外文期刊名:China Rural Water and Hydropower





外文关键词:standardized soil moisture index;soil moisture content;agricultural drought;Guizhou Province

Under the background of global climate change and the increasing impact of human activities,drought has become a key factor re?stricting the sustainable development of China’s social economy,seriously threatening the national food security,water security and ecologi?cal security.This paper is based on the global land reanalysis product of China Meteorological Administration.It extracts the monthly soil moisture data of Guizhou province and calculates the standardized soil moisture index.The applicability of the index to agricultural drought identification and the accuracy of historical typical drought process simulation are evaluated.The long-term evolution trend of dry and wet is analyzed,and the most likely time of drought is calculated.The results show that the monthly standardized soil moisture index is consistent with the record of China Flood and drought Disaster bulletin,and the drought duration is accurately described and the drought intensity is reasonable.The monthly standardized soil moisture index can not only accurately simulate the whole process of drought occurrence,develop?ment and elimination,but also reflect the temporal and spatial characteristics of drought in real time,especially for the monitoring of drought processes above severe drought.The dry and wet evolution characteristics of Guizhou Province are obvious,that is,there is a general pattern from wet to dry from west to east.The wet areas are mainly concentrated in the northwest of the study area,while the drying trend is signifi?cant in the southeast and other areas.Drought occurs mainly in spring and winter in Guizhou Province,among which,drought occurs in the northwest in January,in the east and southeast in February,in central region in March and April,and in southwest in April.The results of this study can provide a reference for agricultural drought evaluation and drought prevention and mitigation work in Guizhou Province.



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