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贵州西南部峨眉山玄武岩分布区架底和大麦地金矿床金的赋存状态     被引量:6

A study on the occurrence state of gold in the Jiadi and Damaidi gold deposits in the Emeishan basalt distribution area, Southwestern Guizhou



英文题名:A study on the occurrence state of gold in the Jiadi and Damaidi gold deposits in the Emeishan basalt distribution area, Southwestern Guizhou

作者:李俊海 吴攀 刘建中 张双菊 张丞 宋威方 张兵强 徐良易 赵富远 王大福









外文期刊名:Acta Mineralogica Sinica





外文关键词:Occurrence state of gold;gold deposit;Emeishan basalt;Southwestern Guizhou

The Emeishan basalt distribution area in the Southwestern Guizhou is located in the northern part of the Dian-Qian-Gui "Golden Triangle". There are superior metallogenic geological conditions in the area with good prospecting prospect. The No.105 Geological Party, Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration & Development guided the prospecting of gold resources in the area by using the metallogenic model established based on the previous prospecting of gold deposits in the southwestern Guizhou. In recent years, it has successfully discovered the large sized Jiadi gold deposit and the medium-sized Damaidi gold deposit, in which gold orebodies are hosted in the Emeishan basalt. It has achieved a major breakthrough of the primary gold prospecting in the Emeishan basalt distribution area in the Southwestern Guizhou and even in basalt distribution areas in China. The geological characteristics of the Jiadi and Damaidi gold deposits are basically the same. Through detailed petrographic study, combined with various analyses by using scanning electron microscope(SEM), electron probe microanalysis(EPMA), laser ablation plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS), and gold phase analysis, it is believed that gold mainly occurred in arsenic-bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite in the form of invisible gold. The Orebody II of the Jiadi gold deposit is hosted in the Emeishan basalt Formation. Its gold is mainly existed in sulfides in forms of inclusion gold, with an average share of 73.8%. Its minor gold occurred in silicate minerals as inclusion gold and free gold, with average shares of 15.4% and 8.8%, respectively. However, the gold in the Orebody I, hosted in the structural alteration zone(SBT), occurred mainly in the form of free gold, with an average share of 90.6%, partly occurred as the inclusion gold in sulfides, silicate and carbonate minerals. This could be related to the late weathering and oxidation of the ores. The gold of Orebody II, hosted in the Emeishan basalt Formation, and the gold of Orebody I, hosted in the structural alteration zone(SBT), of the Damaidi gold deposit occurred as basically same forms including the inclusion gold in silicate minerals and sulfides, with average shares of 41.2% and 35.6%, respectively, and the free gold, with an average share of 16.4%.



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