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Physical simulation test for movement laws of overlying strata in extra-thick coal seam mining  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Physical simulation test for movement laws of overlying strata in extra-thick coal seam mining

作者:Xu, Mengtang Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhongkui Xiao, Liping


通信作者:Xu, Mengtang

机构:[1] College of Mining Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, Guizhou, China; [2] IoT Perception Mine Research Center, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China






外文期刊名:Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering



外文关键词:Coal - Stability

摘要:According to the occurrence characteristics and geological features of extra-thick coal seam in Eastern Junggar coalfield, physical simulation was undertaken to study the overlying strata movement laws, and further analyze the displacement and fracture development of overlying strata in extra-thick coal seam slicing mining. This study will pay an active role in theoretic references to efficiency and safety mining of extra-thick coal seam. Studies show that the overlying strata movement of extra-thick coal seams in the first slicing mining is similar to normal thickness coal seam mining. And with the increase of mining thickness, overlying strata structure of extra-thick coal seam mining appear tremendous changes compared with the normal thickness coal seam mining. Extra-thick coal seam mining causes a significant increase in goaf space, and mining disturbance influence scope has spread to a large range, which lead to more space of overlying strata movement, and could easily cause a wide range structural instability of overlying strata. Overlying strata displacement and fissures development of extra-thick coal seam mining are controlled by the structural stability of key strata rocks. When the structural instability of key strata occurs, hinged stable structure cannot be reformed in the subsequent mining process. Part of overlying strata blocks will break again in the slicing mining of extra-thick coal seam. ? 2014 ejge.



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