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Fractal analysis on variation of shear strength of coarse-grained soils  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Fractal analysis on variation of shear strength of coarse-grained soils

作者:Du, Jun Liang, Wei Wen, Yiming Feng, Guojian

第一作者:Du, Jun

机构:[1] Institute of Urban and Rural Construction and Engineering Management, Kunming University, No.2 Pu New Road, Kunming, 650214, China; [2] Institute of Mining Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, No.1 Cai Guan Road, Guiyang, 550003, China; [3] Kunming Metallurgy College, No.338 University Road, Kunming, 650033, China

第一机构:Institute of Urban and Rural Construction and Engineering Management, Kunming University, No.2 Pu New Road, Kunming, 650214, China





外文期刊名:Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria



外文关键词:Elastic moduli - Fractals - Shear strain - Shear strength - Soils - Strain hardening - Stress-strain curves

摘要:Based on the laboratory tests, the size fractal characteristics of coarse-grained soils were studied by the fractal geometry theory, and relevance of the fractal dimension and shear strength parameters were analyzed. The results indicate that the size distribution of coarse-grained soils has fractal characteristics obviously. There is a negative correlation between the fractal dimension and coarse grained content, which the fractal dimension will decrease with increase of coarse granule. Curve of stress-strain relationship had no obvious peak strength and it was strain-hardening. Shear modulus G1/100decreased and shear modulus Gfincreases at first, then decreases with the increase of fractal dimension under the same normal stress conditions. The internal friction angle has a negative exponential relationship with the fractal dimension, which will decrease with increase of the fractal dimension, but the regularity is not obvious between the cohesive and the fractal dimension.



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