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Changes in rheological properties of polyvinyl chloride plastisols with storage time  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:2


英文题名:Changes in rheological properties of polyvinyl chloride plastisols with storage time

作者:Ji, Yubi Tang, Anjiang Yang, Zhao Luo, Heng Tan, Hong

第一作者:Ji, Yubi

通信作者:Tan, H[1]

机构:[1]Guizhou Inst Technol, Sch Chem Engn, Guiyang, Peoples R China;[2]Natl Engn Res Ctr Compounding & Modificat Polymer, R&D Dept, Guiyang, Peoples R China;[3]Beijing Univ Chem Technol, Coll Sci, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China


通信机构:corresponding author), Beijing Univ Chem Technol, Coll Sci, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China.






基金:Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students in 2019 of Higher Education Institutions in Guizhou Province, Grant/Award Number: S201914440059; natural science foundation of Guizhou provincial department of education, Grant/Award Number: Qianjiaohe KY Zi[2016]014; Qianjiaohe KY Zi[2017]009; Guizhou Institute of Science and Technology high level talents research start-up funding project, Grant/Award Number: XJGC20190953


外文关键词:aging; PVC; plastisol; rheology; viscosity

摘要:In this study, the changes in the rheological curves of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastisols with increasing storage time and the factors affecting these changes were studied. The results show that with increasing storage time, all the "viscosity-temperature" and "viscosity-time" rheological curves of PVC plastisols exhibit nonnormal distribution change trends, that is, the viscosity first decreases, and then changes from slow increasing to rapid increasing, forming a shoulder peak, reaches to the maximum value and gradually decreases. With increasing storage time, the complex viscosities of PVC plastisols increased generally in the first, the second, and the fourth stages, and the gelation process shortened in the third stage. The first and second stages of the viscosity changes reflect the "time-temperature" equivalence principle of PVC plastisol in suspension stage. However, the maximum viscosity of PVC plastisol corresponding to temperature T eta(max) does not change with increasing storage time.



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