黔西南泥堡特大型金矿床的新发现及其控矿因素 被引量:11
New Discovery and Ore-Controlling Factors of the Large Scale Nibao Gold Deposit in Southwestern Guizhou Province
英文题名:New Discovery and Ore-Controlling Factors of the Large Scale Nibao Gold Deposit in Southwestern Guizhou Province
作者:李俊海 刘建中 张双菊 何彦南 杨天才 张应国 张丞
外文期刊名:Geological Science and Technology Information
外文关键词:new discovery; ore-controlling factor; geological feature; Nibao gold deposit; large scale
In order to get a prospecting breakthrough of Nibao gold deposit and further clarify the ore-con- trolling factors, 105 Geological Brigade of Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources has recently restudied a large number of geological data and previous researches and confirmed the previous study re- sults and experiences by many deep drillings. Some new discoveries have been made according to its accu- mulation a regional metallogenic model of gold deposit established based on the previous studies in south- western Guizhou Province and the known geological characteristics of gold orebodies. The results show that the Erlong-Qiangbao anticline is a drag fold subsidiary to the hidden hanging wall of the F1 fault. Based on a large number of drills, thick Au ore layers with individual up to large-scale and stratiform Au ores have been found in the fractured alteration zone of F1 and in the core of the Nibao anticline at depth, respectively. Because of the addition of fault-type ores, the Nibao Au deposit reaches a giant scale. Moreo- ver, it is the first time that Au ores are discovered in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation in the mining area of Nibao in southwestern Guizhou. Further studies have concluded that the Nibao deposit is mainly hosted in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation and the 1-3 sections of the Upper Permian Longtan For- mation in the southern flank of the Nibao anticline, and the ores are controlled mainly by the F1 thrust fault, and secondarily by the structural alteration body nearby the core of the Erlong-Qiangbao anticline. Au mineralization is generally hosted in strata like breccias, gravel sandstones, sedimentary turfs, and im- pure carbonates especially when these rocks are thin in thickness, complicate in composition, porous with the roof and floor of impermeable clay rocks and siltstones.