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Effect of aging temperatures on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TC21 forgings with basket-weave microstructure  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Effect of aging temperatures on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TC21 forgings with basket-weave microstructure

作者:Li, Xiang Huang, Chaowen Ye, Xianwei Yang, Jiang Wan, Mingpan Liu, Dan

第一作者:Li, Xiang

通信作者:Huang, CW[1]

机构:[1]Guizhou Univ, Natl & Local Joint Engn Lab High Performance Met S, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China;[2]Key Lab Mat Struct & Strength Guizhou Prov, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China;[3]Guizhou Inst Technol, Sch Mat & Energy Engn, Guiyang 550003, Peoples R China

第一机构:Guizhou Univ, Natl & Local Joint Engn Lab High Performance Met S, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China

通信机构:corresponding author), Guizhou Univ, Natl & Local Joint Engn Lab High Performance Met S, Guiyang 550025, Peoples R China.





基金:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 52061005 and 52261025), the Science and Technology Program of Guizhou Province (Nos. [2021] 310, YQK [2023] 009, and [2023] 278) . The authors would like to thank Dr. Fei Liu from Nanyang Technological University for his help in English language. We also thank Dr. Xuehao Zheng from ZKKF (Beijing) Science & Technology Company for supporting of TEM analysis.


外文关键词:TC21 forgings; Quasi beta forging; Aging temperatures; Basket-weave microstructure; Mechanical properties

摘要:This study aims to explore the influence of various aging temperatures on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TC21 forgings. Basket-weave microstructures were prepared via quasi-beta forging followed by annealed at 900 degrees C for 1.5 h and aged at 530 degrees C, 560 degrees C, and 590 degrees C for 4 h, and then their tensile performance, impact toughness, and fracture toughness were examined. Results indicate that higher aging temperatures not only facilitate the segregation of Al element, resulting in a reduction in the effective size (d alpha(laths), the width/length ratio) of primary alpha laths (alpha(laths)) and their amount, but also promote phase transition, inducing an increase in the effective size (d alpha(fine)) of secondary fine alpha (alpha(fine)) lamellae. While both d alpha(-1/2)(laths) and d alpha(-1/2)(fine) have a linear relationship with the strength, which was analyzed using the Hall-Petch relationship, the more pronounced interface strengthening effect and hindering crack propagation mainly results from the alpha(laths). Moreover, the plasticity declines significantly as the proportion of the alpha(laths) phases decreases. Thus, for strength and plasticity, the alpha(laths) are a much more important factor than the alpha(fine) lamellae. However, although the synergistic deformation and fracture of both the alpha(laths) and alpha(fine) phases can consume a larger impact initiation energy, the enhancement of the impact energy of the alloy is primarily related to a high precipitation amount of the alpha(fine) lamellae. Furthermore, the decrease in d alpha(laths) promotes the misorientation and accumulation of dislocations between alpha(laths) interfaces, hindering the enhancement of K-IC (fracture toughness) by forming transgranular fractures. Conversely, the increase in K-IC attributed to the energy consumed in the plastic deformation region at the crack tip, due to the alpha(fine) lamellae compensates for the energy, resulting in a reduction in the crack propagation path. Therefore, the alpha(fine) lamellae may play a more crucial role in increasing the toughness of alloys, in particular the impact toughness of the TC21 alloy.



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