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Swin Transformer with Feature Pyramid Networks for Scene Text Detection of the Secondary Circuit Cabinet Wiring  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Swin Transformer with Feature Pyramid Networks for Scene Text Detection of the Secondary Circuit Cabinet Wiring

作者:Zeng, Chengbin Song, Chunli


机构:[1] School of Big Data, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang, China


会议论文集:2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems, ICPICS 2022

会议日期:July 29, 2022 - July 31, 2022

会议地点:Shenyang, China


外文关键词:Scene text detection; SSCCWS; Swin-FPN; Transformer


摘要:The scene text of the secondary circuit cabinet wiring site in the substation includes various bending, occlusion, lighting, and it is difficult to achieve satisfactory detection results using previous approaches. To solve this problem, we propose a method called Swin-FPN, which integrate the advantages of Swin Transformer into the feature pyramid networks (FPN) to effectively improve the performance of FPN. Specifically, we firstly extract the global self-attention contexts of each level of the FPN using Swin Transformer. Then, all levels of the FPN are concatenated by upsampling to produce the feature fusion and project module. Finally, this module is used to predict the score map and keypoints map of the text regions, and thus obtain the final detection result. To evaluate the performance of our method, we construct a scene text dataset with various shapes and occlusion from the substation secondary circuit cabinet wiring site (SSCCWS). We train our Swin-FPN network on public datasets, and then evaluate the performance on our SSCCWS dataset. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve better detection performance for SSCCWS scene text compared with state-of-the-art approaches. Thus, our proposed method lays a good foundation for the intelligent inspection of substations. ? 2022 IEEE.



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