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  • 收录类型=EI x
  • 人物=杨巍 x

3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3

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Sedimentary features of the bauxite-bearing rock series in central guizhou被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Wei, Yang Kainan, Mao
机构: School of Resources and Environmental Engineering
来源:Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels  2018
关键词:Bauxite deposits - Deposition - Sedimentology  
The characteristics and developmental control factors of microscopic pore structure in shale gas reservoirs in the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Yang, Wei Qin, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tingshan
机构: School of Resources and Environmental Engineering; School of Geoscience and Technology
来源:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science  2020
关键词:Frequency modulation - Gas adsorption - Gases - Microporosity - Pore structure - Shale gas  
Influence of chemical properties on CH4 adsorption capacity of anthracite derived from southern Sichuan Basin, China被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Shan, Changan Zhang, Tingshan Liang, Xing Zhang, Zhao Zhu, Haihua
机构: School of Earth Sciences and Engineering; Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Depositional Mineralization & Sedimentary Mineral; Key Laboratory of Tectonics and Petroleum Resources ; School of Geoscience and Technology; Exploration and Development Department
来源:Marine and Petroleum Geology  2018
关键词:Carbon - Methane - Moisture - Principal component analysis - Adsorption - Atoms - Chemical properties - Coal deposits - Chemical analysis - Anthracite  
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