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  • 收录类型=EI x
  • 人物=唐维媛 x

3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3

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Effect of Hanseniaspora Uvarum–Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Mixed-Fermentation on Aroma Characteristics of Rosa Roxburghii Tratt, Blueberry, and Plum Wines被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Huang, Mingzheng Liu, Xiaozhu Li, Xin Sheng, Xiaofang Li, Tingting
机构: College of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering; School of Public Health; College of Liquor and Food Engineering
来源:SSRN  2022
关键词:Fermentation - Fruits - Gas chromatography - Mass spectrometry - Odors - Yeast  
Comparative characterization and sensory significance of volatile compounds in Rosa roxburghii Tratt fruit from five geographic locations in Guizhou, China被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Huang, Mingzheng Li, Tingting Hardie, W. James Tang, Weiyuan Li, Xin
机构: College of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering; College of Liquor and Food Engineering; College of Food Science and Engineering; School of Public Health
来源:Flavour and Fragrance Journal  2022
关键词:Principal component analysis - Aromatic compounds - Location - Volatile organic compounds - Mass spectrometry - Gas chromatography - Odors  
Characterization and perceptual interaction of key aroma compounds in Rosa roxburghii Tratt by sensomics approach被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Sheng, Xiaofang Li, Xin Lu, Xinxin Liu, Xiaohui Tang, Weiyuan
机构: School of Public Health; School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering; College of Liquor and Food Engineering
来源:Food Chemistry: X  2024
关键词:Aromatization - Terpenes  
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