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  • 收录类型=EI x
  • 人物=刘小钦 x

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Mechanism for an enhanced resistive switching effect of bilayer NiOx/TiO2 for resistive random access memory被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Zhou, Guangdong Xiao, Lihua Zhang, Shuangju Wu, Bo Liu, Xiaoqin
机构: Guizhou Institute of Technology; Institute for Clean Energy & Advanced Materials ; Chongqing Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Technologies of Clean Energy; Institute of Theoretical Physics; China Kunming Institute of Botany
来源:Journal of Alloys and Compounds  2017
关键词:Tin oxides - Random access storage - Silver - Nanocomposites - Switching  
Resistance switching characteristics of core-shell γ-Fe2O3/Ni2O3 nanoparticles in HfSiO matrix被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Zhou, Guangdong Wu, Bo Liu, Xiaoqin Li, Zhiling Zhang, Shuangju
机构: Guizhou Institute of Technology; Institute of Theoretical Physics; School of Marine Science and Technology; Kunming Institute of Botany
来源:Journal of Alloys and Compounds  2016
关键词:Electric fields - Films - Hafnium compounds - Hematite - Nanoparticles - Nickel compounds - Oxygen - Oxygen vacancies - Precipitation (chemical) - Shells (structures) - Silicon compounds - Switching - Synthesis (chemical)  
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